
Sunday 22 November 2015


Today is the Celebration of Christ The King and as the priest read from the gospel according to John, my attention was drawn to a section of verse 37 where Jesus said “yes I am a king. I was born for this…” This sentence made me realize that quite often the world (and ourselves) may doubt our purpose on earth, and may need reminding.

Further digging into the Quran (23:115) clears me of every doubt “Did you think that We had created you in play? (without any purpose)…”

God said in the bible severally, that He did not just create us for the fun of it; but each of us has been created, not just in His own image but with a defined purpose in life.

While it is helpful to know what your purpose is, and work towards it; it is Ok to be confused about your purpose for a while. For while Jesus knew what His ministry was since birth and spent His life preparing for it, Saul (turned Paul) spent the first half of his life working against His true purpose.

This message is going to be like an excellent sermon (short and direct to the point). The message is this; it is alright to sometimes lose focus of your true calling or purpose. We have all had those moments when we wonder if we are truly meant to be where we find ourselves – job, education, relationship – any aspect of life whatsoever; those moments present the best opportunity for us to ask questions (by praying to God).

This is what I learnt in church, hope it helps someone.

I pray you all have a purposeful – finding week. Hope you prayed for your country and the world.

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