
Monday 23 November 2015


Good people, good morning. I bet you all had excellent nights. It is Monday again. The dreaded Monday (for some). Hope you offered prayers for peace in the world.

Needless to say, this was a very eventful weekend both nationally and throughout the world.

At home, Kogi state governorship elections held and the results, though inconclusive have been given the back seat as the candidate of the APC, Audu Abubakar died before an outright winner could be announced.

While this is sad and difficult to bear for the family and the state in general, and while our prayers remain with them; this issue presents an unusual constitutional headache.
This represents a situation which has never before presented itself and which our loophole - ridden constitution does not have a clear cut response for. We shall keep our fingers crossed to see how that pans out.

CNN reports that Boko Haram struck again yesterday, killing 8 people and injuring 8 others in a suicide bombing attack around Maiduguri. The victims mainly women and children were displaced persons from Dikwa who were undergoing a security check to facilitate their return home. It is worthy of note that the military liberated Dikwa from the militants back in July. Out prayers are with them.

The governors under the NGF are talking tough while the NLC have told them to prepare for war over their unwillingness to continue paying the N18000 minimum wage.
The umbrella organisation for organised labour in Nigeria said it was planning to submit a bid for the upward review of the N18000 minimum wage benchmark, stating that it was no longer realistic in the light of recent developments. Ironically, this is pretty much the same reason given by the governors for their proposed downward review of the wages. Watch this space for more.

On the international scene, another black man was shot in the US yesterday. The incident involving two Minneapolis Police officers has sparked protests in the city while investigators are debating whether to release videos of the incident to the public.

More response to the Paris bombings, this time in Belgium as raids continue in the search for the mastermind of the attacks.

More bad news as usual. Have a lovely day and watch this space for lots of informative content as your day progresses.

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