
Tuesday, 24 November 2015

7 (random) habits of highly annoying people

The world is full of annoying people, with more than 7 annoying habits (but 7 is my favorite number).
This post is more about the people than their habits.

1.     Joykills
One of the most annoying habits anyone can possess is the inability to take a joke. Many times we plan a very impressive joke/prank to play on our friends, siblings, coworkers, parents (at your own risk) or anyone else for that matter.
We all know how much fun these things can be. Once or twice, the prankee just goes completely 0 - 100 on us and turns a good joke into something else; sometimes into an argument, other times they just get angry, you may get a talking to, a philosophy lesson, sermon on the mount; just about anything can happen (especially in the case of parents).

1b.The world also hates an incessant prankster - especially one who repeats an annoying prank (all pranks are annoying).

2.   The I-am-not-hungry-other-people's-food-eater.

Everyone wants to go get food, they ask if you want some; you hit them with that ‘I'm not hungry’ or ‘I just ate’ line. Fast forward 20 minutes, their food arrives, you want to join in. Let that sink in. Do you see how annoying you are? Good. Stop it.

3. Snubs

I would define snubs as rude elements who don't understand the concept of courtesy. Forget social media snubs for a while (we’ll talk about them one day), real snubs are those people who find it “cool” to ignore their family, friends or acquaintances when they find themselves in the company of “cooler” friends or in situations where the snubbed ones are not cool enough. Imagine running into a friend from high school and they warm up to you, but you just act cold and look for the next possible escape means; you are the snub in this story (and jihad on you).

 4.  Drama Queens

 Everybody hates drama queens, especially when it happens to be a dude. Those persons that can make a huge deal out of a minor situation. I choose to include panic – kings in this category too, because their habit puts everyone at risk even more than the original occurrence.

5.     Negative People.

 Another habit the world finds highly annoying is negativity. Everybody hates negative energy. People carrying this anomaly are impossible to satisfy, no fun to be around, energy sucking, offering nothing meaningful but the negative energy emanating from their existence which threaten the positive energy of others. Don't get me wrong (feel free to), we sometimes need someone to remind us of the cons of whatever we are about to do – someone who acts as the voice of reason; but that's where it ends. Any step beyond that makes you unnecessary to have around (like a fuel tank for a bicycle).

6.     Impoliteness 

Politeness is not old fashioned. Being impolite is in no way cool. The level of politeness (or lack of it) which you show in your daily interactions is a factor of how good (or inexistent) your upbringing was, and any comments (good or bad) you may receive while at it is ultimately a result sheet for whoever raised you. While some of the blame can be put on parents and guardians, we understand that there are recalcitrant ones among us (the famous bad children of good parents). The world hates you, sometimes secretly.

7.     The know – it – all and know – it – not.

Last on this short list (but not last of the annoying habits) is the know – it – all (kia). That really needs no explaining, people who think they know more than they actually do can be quite annoying. 

7b. The only thing more annoying than a know – it – all is the sworn know - it - not who would rather not agree to the truth because he/she thinks the other party feels they know all. Stop it both of you.

More brands of annoying people exist. But these are seven of the most annoying, some (I mean most) of which I have found in me and hope to change. Tell us yours.

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