
Sunday, 5 June 2016


If we had to count out problems in this country, the list would be endless, right?
Will Islam be on your list? It would surely be on mine - in between bad roads and malnutrition - some of our most notable killers.

Let's prepare to cleanse ourselves of our sins for worship, someone interrupts us, let's behead her to ensure our cleanliness to worship our god. How understandable that it.

Let us assume blasphemy was committed against your god (I dropped the g). The Guitarman aptly calls it in that beautiful song "if your god needs you to kill for him, then your god sucks"
We were told Islam was the religion of peace (at least I was told) but it would seem someone lied to us, or maybe someone lied to the islamists orchestrating the trouble.
I know you want to say something like "not all Islamists are killers" well, what do I know. How many more people have to die before something sensible is done?
I am more appalled at the President's choice of words which showed that all the condolences he offered were half - hearted.
"we should learn to respect each other's religious beliefs!" how about we respect the connection between heads and necks? Or how about islamists learn to respect the concept of diversity - there are other ways apart from yours!
You should have seen the comments of Nigerian youths on social media, whatever these young islamists are being taught - it will kill us all.
Maybe I'm writing this with too much anger to make any sense, but I don't see the government making any "serious" commitment to prevent this occurrence again.

Islam needs to be cleansed, at least. How can one religion cause so much problems in a country - and the world. What are they taught. My religion preaches love as the pillar of the good news, it would seem to me that Islam preaches the exact opposite - if you hate them enough and kill enough of them, they'll join ya.. The 8th pillar.

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