
Thursday, 31 December 2015


These are literally the final moments of what has been an interesting year. 2015 has come and it is about to go in a hurry. We all fought battles this year, won most of them, lost some – but in all we were never alone; these final moments should be the time to thank those who fought out battles with us last year – because we’ll need them on the new battlefield that is 2016. 

As the new year approaches too, we can identify so many things that happened last year, which to be quite frank, are not good enough. These things happen both personally and nationally (we’ll talk about the national aspect).
Listening to the President during the media chat yesterday sent me a whole lot of vibes, many good, many others not – so – good. Bottom line though is that as a country, we need to drop so many things in 2015.

1. Sensationalism 

The GCFR mentioned this in one of his answers yesterday. Nigerians are very quick to “sympathize” with just about anyone who claims to have a fight with the government – and this should not be so. Our country is going through hard times and as such, the government needs our support prayers now more than ever.
This Biafra brouhaha in itself is very bad for everyone, but it is made worse by the number of youths who are (permit me to say blindly) raising their arms in vandalism to prove a point they are not even sure of. This fight and others like it need to stop because in a country as big as Nigeria, different sets people will ALWAYS feel marginalized – we don’t need to make a war out of it.

2. Ungratefulness

Someone once said that even if Jesus were to personally come and fix Nigeria, some people would still accuse him of having sinister motives. That person is not far from the truth. Nigerians can be just about anyone but what do we choose to be, ungrateful. This country has a very uninteresting culture of not being able to appreciate good deeds, instead we will find one reason or another to justify out ungratefulness, please friends, let us drop this attitude in 2015. Every form of ungratefulness we show to friends, family and anyone else is wrong and should be dropped. Thank you.

3. Selfish, self – serving attitude

This annoying attitude of ours was brought to the fore more than ever during the Paris bombing last month. People, it is ok to sympathize with other people. No additions or conditions, anything else is selfishness. We live in a country where a Yoruba or Igbo man/woman can open their mouths to say” thank God they are killing their own people” when they get the news of another boko haram attack, yet we call ourselves a nation.
If we cannot show sympathy to our fellow countrymen what charity is there for us to leave home with. Enough is enough.
Let us please drop these attitudes and doings this year and watch our nation go higher in 2016. Have a blessed New Year and pray for Nigeria and the world.

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