
Sunday, 8 November 2015

HAPPY Sunday!!!!!

You don't have to be a Christian to know that Sundays are beautiful. It is the exact day that provides the true rest that Saturday pretends to offer; and for a Christian like me, seeing the happy faces of people in church makes me happy (a lot of things make me happy).
Talking about happiness, my Jehova's witness aunt once asked my why I didn't like going to church with her while I was staying at her place. The answer was simple, I went once and it wasn't happy enough for me. They say humans are creatures of emotions, my favorite is happiness and quoting a passage of the Bible "in the presence of God, there is fullness of joy..." I don't quite remember the book and chapter, but we all get the message.
Friends, we all go to our places of worship for a variety of reasons all of which boils down to the search for happiness. Today's sermon was on generosity, and it was so good it got me to increase my proposed offering budget; but what matters is that I did it happily.
If you don't feel the happiness at your place of worship, I doubt if it signifies the absence of God - it probably means you haven't encountered him; after all the Holy book also says something about people starving in the face of abundance.
Here's my whole point, you won't find happiness in the house of God until you find happiness within yourself (after all you are the temple of God) about your Church (I mean the people, not the building). So stop changing churches because you feel you aren't encountering God and happiness. That part is on you. And when you receive the next message that reads "happy Sunday", try to smile, most of those people imagine you smiling when the message meets you (at least I do).
Happy Sunday. Smile. The world needs happy people.

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